However, they are a pain and can disrupt the flow of your class. I don’t know when or if we’ll ever get them.”Ĭounting pedal revolutions or using a metronome to set cadence are options-I used them for years. They got 15 new bikes without consoles about two years ago, and I can tell you they plan to have these for the next ten years, so no consoles for me for a long time!”Īnother instructor in Europe told me, “It’s still very common for gyms in small towns in Europe to not have consoles. One instructor told me, “We are a small community facility. I asked this question in a couple of Facebook forums and was astounded at how many instructors are working at facilities without any kind of meter on their bikes. While the wave of technology certainly is prevalent in many studios and gyms around the world, it’s not yet ubiquitous.
Do your bikes have consoles? No? You aren’t alone.